Shipping FAQ

Do you ship internationally?

Unfortunately, I am only able to ship to the U.S. and Canada at the moment. I will post an update when/if this changes.

How are you shipping items?

I am using USPS for all current orders. Depending on the size/weight/thickness of your full order, you will receive your shipment as either a First Class Letter (in an envelope with a cardboard insert) or as a First Class Package (in a larger cardboard or bubble mailer).

Will I get a shipping discount by combining multiple items?

Yes! Your base shipping cost will start at the price to package and ship the most expensive item in the order. Any additional items will be added with discounted shipping. The total will be automatically calculated at check-out.

Will I get a notification when my order is shipped?

I will send an email confirmation when your order has been shipped. All U.S. orders shipped as a First Class Package will also be sent a USPS tracking number. 

What if I have an issue with my shipment?

Please contact me directly with details if so! My email is [email protected]